Levelling Up Scheme: Mathematics

Thanks to a generous donation from Dr Tony Hill, the аĿª½±has started work on a new venture to support the provision of online tutoring for A-level Mathematics students who come from backgrounds that are under-represented in the mathematics community. The Society has a major interest in fosteringÌýtheÌýnextÌýgenerationÌýofÌýmathematiciansÌýthroughÌýsupportÌýfor mathematicalÌýeducation and is dedicated to promoting equality of opportunity across all career stages.

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аĿª½±AGM moves online

The Society held its first ever virtual Annual General Meeting on Friday 20 November 2020. The meeting was moved online due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and was well attended, with over 100 participants able to attend without travelling to central London. The Society was very grateful for technical and administrative support for the meeting from the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS).

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аĿª½±Annual General Meeting and Naylor Lecture

This year’s аĿª½±AGM will take place virtually on Friday 20 November. The AGM will be followed by the Naylor Lecture, The Mathematics of Today's Floating-Point Arithmetic,Ìý presented by Nicholas J. Higham (Manchester).ÌýThe lecture is aimed at a general mathematical audience. All interested, whether аĿª½±members or not, are most welcome to attend this event.

More information and how to register here.


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аĿª½±Graduate Student Meeting

The аĿª½±Gradaute Student meeting will be held virtually on Monday 16 November 2020 and is intended as an introduction to the аĿª½±Annual General Meeting on Friday 20 November 2020. All gradaute students (and indeed any other mathematicians) are welcome to attend. Speaker: Theo Mary (Sorbonne), Mixed Precision Arithmetic: Hardware, Algorithms and Analysis.

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